Friday, December 12, 2014

Links of the Week - December 12, 2014

In the Hands of the Communists -  "It was a dreary December day in the city of Tsingteh when John and Betty heard a rumor that Communist soldiers were drawing near to the city. The Communists were battling for control of the country and, of course, hated Christians or anyone else who would bring Western influence to their country. At the time the missionaries were not concerned; since they had moved to the city, just two weeks ago, rumors had been circulating but nothing had happened. They had been assured that government forces had come into their province to fight against the Communists. An hour later a man came running down the street shouting that the Communists were only a couple of miles away and would be upon the city in no time. Now the danger was clear. John and Betty grabbed a few supplies but they couldn’t find a way out of the city. Before they were able to flee, the soldiers surrounded the city, climbed the walls and opened the gates. There was no way to escape."

The Benefits of Sitting Under Expository Preaching - I'm a big believer that pastors should preach expositionally, preferably verse-by-verse through whole books of the Bible. Eric Davis wrote an article explaining seven benefits for you, the congregant, of sitting under expository preaching.

Working Clothes - Frank Turk reworked an old post to remind us how the good news of Christmas helps us make it through the day when all we see or hear every time we turn on the TV or use the Internet is bad news.

The Tragic Prevalence of Sexual Assault - Challies interviewed Justin Holcomb on how to help, and how not to help, those who have been sexually assaulted.

Can We Identify Those Who Prey on Our Children? - Meanwhile, Deepak Reju has an article at The Gospel Coalition on identifying sexual predators.  It's not an easy task.

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism - Adam Ford makes some brilliant webcomics.  In this one he explains the false religion that many, I would even say most, American "Christians" are actually adherents to.

My Favorite Santa Claus Story - Nathan Busenitz shares his favorite Santa Claus story.  It's mine as well.

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